AustriaDeutsch (.at)

Science Busters – Global Warming Party

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Date: 29. October 2021
Time: 20:00 - 22:00

Helmut List Hall

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Why does climate change hinder events and what can people do about it? Anyone can hold a global warming event. But everyone has to help with the global warming party. Unfortunately, we’ve been doing this for almost 200 years. That’s why climate change won the Nobel Peace Prize back in 2007. But it’s only now, more than a decade later, that we humans are realizing that it’s not locking us in. At least those who want to survive. Those who reject climate change continue to walk everything into the sunset. MC Martin Puntigam, PhD. Florian Freistetter and molecular biologist Dr. Martin Moder explained: How can I use the cat as a Geiger counter? If climate change overtakes the planet, where should we emigrate to?