AustriaDeutsch (.at)

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Veranstaltungen Graz

Rainhard Fendrich

Rainhard Fendrich and BandRainhard Fendrich are back! Three years have passed since Rainhard Fendrich released his last studio album. With his new single “Burn Out”, the Austrian music legend has…

Springfestival Graz


Springfestival of Electronic Art & Music takes place all over the stunning city of Graz, Austria. Taking over at the end of June 2021, it features many iconic architectural treats…

Veranstaltungen Graz

Brass Against

In times of political difficulties and challenges, it is everyone’s responsibility to stand up against machines or systems. The most important goal of Brass Against is to produce extraordinary music.…

Veranstaltungen Graz

Ina Regen

The songwriter will take her fantastic live band and songs from her second album “ROT” on a tour through Austria. Unfortunately, the tour had to be postponed from fall 2020…